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DOWNLOAD Our latest version!

Click here to download Visuino

Click here to download PRO

Learn more about Visuino Professional version Here

Download PDF Visuino Guide For Beginners

What’s new?

  • Added Arduino GIGA support
  • Added Mirror for the TFT Displays
  • Added Mouse and Keyboard support for Arduino Portenta
  • Improved Arduino Portenta Serial ports support
  • Added ELEGOO Penguin Bot V2 Shield
  • Added MPL3115A2 Pressure/Altitude component
  • Added Galaxycore GC9A01 SPI Color Display component
  • Added Phase elements for the Sine, Triangle and Square generators
  • Improved RS485 support
  • Improved Modbus support
  • Completely redesigned RemoteXY support updated to support the latest RemoteXY version
  • Added option to pause/resume or complete the Sequences when disabled
  • Added DIY More TM1637 7 Segment Display 4 Digits Module component
  • Added option to reverse the digits in the generic TM1637 components
  • Improved TM1637 and TM1638 support
  • Text Fields Wrap changed to False by default to make it easier to use the elements
  • Improved 32 bit Modbus Holding Registers support
  • Improved ESP32 Cam support
  • Improved ESP32 CanBus support
  • Improved ESP32 I2S support
  • Improved 74HC595 Shift Register support
  • Added Enabled option for the Split Text component
  • Improved Formatted Text component
  • Updated JPEG support
  • Improved BMP280 and BME280 SPI components
  • Improved M5Stack CoreS3 MicroSD support
  • Improved IDE
  • Updated for ESP32 3.0.X compatibility
  • Improved Servo support for ESP32 C3, S2 and S3


Click here to see the Open Source Visuino Components GIT repository

Click here to see Older Versions.

External Download Links

Standard Version Visuino_8_0_0_120.zip

PRO Version Visuino_Pro_8_0_0_120.zip

Component SDK Visuino_Component_SDK_8_0_0_120


Click here to download Visuino

Click here to download Visuino PRO

Click here to download Visuino Components SDK