Category Hexapod Robot

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Hexapod Robot components category.


This category was assembled using various components created for programming Robots with Visuino.

Sub Categories

None as of yet.


Links make up Legs, Arms, and other parts of the robot

caption Hexapod Robot Link -

caption Hexapod Robot Link Set -

Offsets are used to center robot control or movement servos

caption Offset Servo -

caption Offset Servo Set -

Sensors are used to detect touch, pressure, movement, distance, etc...

caption Sensor -

caption Sensor Analog -

caption Sensor Digital -

Servo components control either one or many servos in a group

caption Servo -

caption Servo Set -

Spatial points are the X,Y,Z reference to a location

caption Spatial Point -

caption Spatial Pivot -

caption Spatial Touch -

Structure component is used to 'Build' parts of a robot

caption Structure -