Indexed 2D Pixel (Maxim LED Control)
LED group allowing setting individual pixel value by pixel X/Y index
Add this LED group when you want to set individual pixel value by pixel X/Y index.
The first pixel in the group has index 0, 0.
Used By
- Repeat Pixel Groups (Maxim LED Control).PixelGroups - Summaries:Summary Repeat Pixel Groups (Maxim LED Control).PixelGroups
- Maxim Led Controller SPI MAX7219/MAX7221.PixelGroups - Summaries:Summary Maxim Led Controller SPI MAX7219/MAX7221.PixelGroups
- Width - Specifies the Width of the pixel block
- InitialIndexX - Specifies the initial pixel X index when Arduino is powered up
- InitialIndexY - Specifies the initial pixel Y index when Arduino is powered up
- InitialValue - Specifies the initial value of the LEDs in the group
- CountPixels - Specifies the number of LEDs in the group
- Enabled - Enables or Disables the LEDs in the group
- Name - Specifies the name of the element